in Tamworth, NSW with Felicity Doyle

Tamworth Yoga is proud to partner with Kinesiologist Felicity Doyle, to bring this balancing, holistic treatment to our community.


Kinesiology is a gentle, and effective natural therapy that supports health and wellbeing in all areas of one’s life. By using your body and own biofeedback (via muscle testing) Kinesiology allows us to find and correct imbalances in the body to bring it back to its natural state of harmony. It is a holistic approach that considers all aspects of your being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) in order to uncover what’s at the root cause of your symptoms.

Kinesiology can be supportive if:

  • You’re looking for ways to support your body and mind to manage the day-to-

  • day stress of modern life

  • You’re in a time of transition (changing jobs, relationship changes, becoming a

  • new parent, moving etc.)

  • You’d like to improve your mood or get better sleep

  • You’re struggling with re-occurring illness or injuries

  • You’re looking for clarity and ease around an important decision

  • You’re feeling stuck or need help with reaching your goals

  • You’d like to work on reaching your full potential and become the best version of you

  • And so much more!



  • Your session will begin with discussing your health history, as well as an issue or any symptoms that you’d like to focus on

  • Next, you’ll lie down, fully clothed on a massage table so that your body and mind can fully relax

  • Then, muscle testing will be used to locate and clear underlying stresses/blockages/imbalances, allowing your body to return to a state of balance

  • A powerful combination of ancient wisdom, from Traditional Chinese

  • Medicine and the Indian Vedic Philosophies, along with the Western anatomy & physiology knowledge of the body will be used to de-stress and re-balance.

  • A variety of techniques will be used throughout the session, ranging from aromatherapy, sound healing, holding acupressure points, running meridians, chakra pulsing, all with the ultimate goal of restoring homeostasis to your entire being.



  • Initial 90 minute appointment $85 (new clients)

  • Standard 75 minute appointment $80 (existing clients only)

Please note: All sessions are 75 minutes.



Felicity has studied (and continues to study) Neuroenergetic Kinesiology with the NK Institute in Australia. She is a mum of 3 young boys with a life-long love of holistic health practices. Felicity is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Instructor.

Have A Question? Get in touch with Felicity directly


Phone: 0403 400 218